Getting found on Amazon: a rough guide for beginners

So, you’ve written your book (yay!), had it professionally edited, bought a fabulous cover and now you’re ready to upload it to Amazon. You open up Amazon, look up Romance and . . . wait – there are how many romance books?

Romance is one of the biggest, and biggest earning, categories on Amazon. Each day, hundreds of new titles go up. So, how on earth does a new author get noticed? By getting clever about using categories and keywords. 

One of the biggest mistakes inexperienced authors make is listing their book under ‘Fiction – Romance.’ Unless you’ve got a huge following and can guarantee selling five hundred books a day, choosing this will send your book into virtual oblivion. Your book won’t be seen by anyone who is not specifically looking for it.

Luckily, there are plenty of sub-categories to choose from. It’s worth spending some time sifting through all the possible sub-categories for your novel, because defining your book lessens the competition. You might rank #50781 in Romance, but if you’re in Romance – Paranormal – Angels, you might find yourself at number #198, meaning your chances of being found are much, much better. And, your book will show up in all those three headings, again improving your chances.

Some authors who write to market have cottoned on the few sub-categories that are not so heavily populated. They include this subject in their novels with the sole intention of becoming best sellers in that category. This can absolutely work, but the problem with this method is that sometimes the category is under-represented because no-one’s interested in it. There’s not much value being number 1 in IT Call Centre Office Romances if nobody ever clicks on it.

Tip: keep an eye on categories, as occasionally a new one gets added, and getting in early is obviously an advantage. 

Keywords are another essential tool for rocking those rankings. Amazon recognizes that many of our romance readers are fiercely attached to certain tropes, most of which are easily searchable. You can specify everything from Alpha Male and Arranged Marriage to Secret Baby and Spies. 

The key to keywords is keyword strings. (Sorry if I just blew your mind with that sentence).

Think about how you search for something on search engine. Most of us don’t simply type one or two words. We tend to put them in a string, like this: ‘beach holiday romance’ or ‘Christmas romance small town’.  So again, a little forethought and a little investigation will help. 

Lastly, don’t forget to choose your heat level. A word of warning—be very careful about getting this right. Some readers get very upset by unexpected physical intimacy and will one-star your book without a qualm. If you’re unsure where your book fits, take a look at my post on the subject.

If this all sounds a bit intimidating, try not to worry. With a bit of forethought and savvy, you’ll get your sales happening.